
In March 2008 the Victorian Government appointed Judge Gordon Lewis AM to lead discussions with Victorian racing industry controlling bodies, and other stakeholders on options for possible changes to the structure of racing integrity assurance services in the Victorian racing industry.

In providing his findings to the Government, Judge Lewis identified avenues for potential reform and made 63 recommendations for changes to integrity assurance practices and processes.

Following the release of the ‘Lewis Report’, the Government established a joint Victorian Government and Victorian Racing Industry Implementation Working Party (IWP). The IWP was chaired by the Department of Justice & Regulation and involved representatives from Victoria Police and the three racing codes, to consider the recommendations and report on their implementation.

All 63 recommendations were strongly supported by the IWP, with the vast majority to be implemented in full and alternative solutions agreed on others, in consultation with Judge Lewis.

In short, the Lewis Report recommended that whilst the controlling bodies should continue to govern their codes, Victoria would be best served by strengthening those arrangements by providing independent oversight of integrity related issues. The Report recommended the creation of a Racing Integrity Commissioner with standalone, independent statutory powers and a broad charter associated with integrity assurance.

In September 2009, the Government enacted the Racing Legislation Amendment (Racing Integrity Assurance) Act 2009 (Vic) in order to implement Judge Lewis's key recommendations which included creating the position of the Racing Integrity Commissioner.

Mr Sean Carroll was appointed as the Racing Integrity Commissioner commencing on 1st March 2021.

Page last updated 30 May 2024