About the Racing Integrity Commissioner

Mr Sean Carroll, the Racing Integrity Commissioner [Commissioner] is an independent statutory officer, appointed by the Governor in Council, under the Racing Act 1958 (Vic) [Racing Act].

The Commissioner is supported in his role by staff that comprise the Office of the Racing Integrity Commissioner [ORIC] that enable the Commissioner to fulfil his functions and exercise his powers.


The Commissioner is authorised to communicate with media in respect of his office.
ORIC staff are not permitted to communicate with the media without the prior approval of the Commissioner.

Reporting on operational matters

The Commissioner must comply with the Racing Act and other legislation, which may require the Commissioner to keep certain information confidential, or handle information in a certain manner, particularly in relation to operational matters such as investigations, own motion inquiries and audits.

When determining whether it is appropriate and fair to release or comment on information publicly, the Commissioner will consider a number of factors, such as:

  • whether he is required by legislation or other arrangements to keep certain information confidential or handle it in a certain manner, for example, under the Racing Act, the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) or as a result of a deed of confidentiality;
  • the risk of prejudicing of his current or future operational matters or activities or activities of other persons/bodies;
  • the rights of complainants and other persons who may be assisting the Commissioner to confidentiality;
  • possible reputational damage to complainants and other stakeholders; and
  • the risk of prejudicing potential court or tribunal proceedings.

Publicly available information

In some circumstances, the Commissioner may determine it is appropriate to release information publicly.

For example, the Commissioner may make public a report (or part thereof) in relation to the investigation of matters referred by the Minister or a controlling body on his website and/or provide a media release outlining the findings or recommendations of that report.

Each year, the Commissioner reports on the performance of his functions or the exercise of his powers and any integrity-related issue he determines is in the public interest in his annual report. This includes a summary of investigations, inquiries and audits completed during that year.
The Commissioner also reports on his activities on his website, for example, through publications and media releases.

Further Information

All media enquiries should be directed to enquiries@racingintegrity.vic.gov.au or (03) 8684 7776.

Page last updated 07 Feb 2024