Final Report for the Independent Review into Victorian Racing Industry Victim Support and Complaint Processes released

Read the Commissioner’s full media statement September (2023) here

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Displaying 11 to 20 of 25 results
  1. Published on: Tuesday, 29 December 2020

    Distinguished sports administrator Sean Carroll has been appointed as the next Victorian Racing Integrity Commissioner, replacing Sal Perna AM who is stepping down from the role after more than 10 years of service.

  2. Published on: Friday, 25 September 2020

    The Victorian Government has paid tribute to respected Racing Integrity Commissioner Sal Perna AM, who today advised that he would not seek reappointment when his term expires at the end of February 2021.

  3. Published on: Tuesday, 19 February 2019

    Victoria’s Racing Integrity Commissioner, Sal Perna, will continue in the role for another two years, having led important reforms to improve integrity and animal welfare standards in the Victorian racing industry.

  4. Published on: Wednesday, 30 May 2018

    In December 2016 the Racing Integrity Commissioner published his findings following an investigation into allegations regarding the external dissemination of information about the Racing Victoria cobalt investigations by a board member of Racing

  5. Published on: Friday, 16 December 2016

    I am issuing this media release in response to requests for me to clarify the findings of my investigation into matters concerning David Moodie.

  6. Published on: Thursday, 11 June 2015

    The Minister for Racing, the Hon. Martin Pakula MP will today table in Parliament, the Racing Integrity Commissioner’s Final Report on the Commissioner’s Own Motion Inquiry into Live Baiting in Greyhound Racing in Victoria.

  7. Published on: Thursday, 21 May 2015

    The Racing Integrity Commissioner, Sal Perna, has delivered to the Minister for Racing and Harness Racing Victoria (HRV), a Report on his Special Inquiry into the late scratching of six out of 10 horses from the Harness Racing Victoria Ballarat

  8. Published on: Thursday, 30 April 2015

    The Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Victorian Racing Integrity Commissioner (the Commissioner) are pleased to announce the signing of the Cooperation and Information Exchange Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Sydney today.

  9. Published on: Wednesday, 11 March 2015

    The Racing Integrity Commissioner, Sal Perna, yesterday delivered to the Minister for Racing, an interim report on the Commissioner’s own motion inquiry into live baiting in Greyhound racing in Victoria.

  10. Published on: Tuesday, 17 February 2015

    The Racing Integrity Commissioner, Sal Perna, today announced he would conduct an Own Motion Inquiry into the live baiting allegations that were aired on the ABC Four Corners program last night.


Page last updated 31 May 2024